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Unique Christmas Gifts for Caregivers in 2021

By Katie Tejada

Caregivers are the heart of many families and facilities. Most caregivers are responsible for both the physical and emotional care of their patients. From various illnesses, disabilities, or injuries to handling financial and legal affairs, caregivers do it all, often without much recognition. If you’re looking for meaningful gifts to give a caregiver, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s take a look at 5 unique Christmas gifts that are perfect for caregivers in 2021. 

Custom Photo Prints

Memories can fade, but photos make a moment last a lifetime. Give a caregiver a custom photo print from a special moment that they treasure. Every time they look at the picture, it will trigger those fond memories that will stay with them for years to come.

Religious Trinkets

Being a caregiver is not always easy. Gifting a caregiver with a religious trinket may help them feel motivated and inspired throughout their day. If you know a caregiver who is dedicated to their faith or one who would appreciate a spiritual boost, this gift idea is definitely the way to go. 

Floor Cleaning Robot

Most caregivers are tired and exhausted at the end of the day. A floor cleaning robot is an exceptional gift choice. While they’re busy tending to the needs of others, their floor cleaning robot will be busy making their floors spotless. This gift is perfect for caregivers who move in and out of their homes quickly. 

Engraved Chairs

Engraved children’s chairs are great gifts for caregivers who enjoy spending time with their grandchildren, Godchildren, nieces, and nephews. Most people who love spending time with children like to ensure they have a comfortable space while they’re away from home. 

Engraved children’s chairs are beautifully handcrafted with solid maple. Allowing them to be comfortable and sturdy. This gift is not only unique but it is also timeless because it can literally last a lifetime. Add the family’s name to the chair and enjoy seeing it be passed down from generation to generation. 

Self-Care Basket

Self-care baskets are ideal gifts for all caregivers, although women may appreciate them just a tad bit more. Whether you’re searching for gifts for women or men, a self-care basket is a great choice. Here are a few items you can put in a homemade basket to encourage your favorite caregiver to pamper themselves every once in a while:

  • Bath bombs – Bath bombs are great for unwinding after a long day
  • Cocktail glasses – Perfect for solo wine nights at home or intimate date nights in the living room
  • Candles – The right scent, like lavender or eucalyptus, can provide excellent aromatherapy
  • Body oil – Most caregivers do not wear heavily scented fragrances while at work. Body oil is a great way to moisturize skin while also adding a subtle scent to the body that isn’t too strong
  • Snacks – You can’t go wrong with snacks! Add a few of your caregiver’s favorite snacks to their self-care basket, they’ll enjoy having something to munch on throughout the day

Wooden Sign

Coming home to an uplifting wooden sign in the perfect place is a great feeling. Gifting wooden home decor is tasteful, timeless, and appropriate. Because of their unique look, wooden signs can effortlessly be placed in any room – regardless of colors or themes. Help your favorite caregiver make their house feel like a home with a beautiful wooden sign this Christmas. 

Photo by on

If the gifts on our list didn’t particularly catch your eye, there’s no need to worry. Regardless of whether you’re choosing a gift on this list or not, the top two things you can keep in mind are:

  • Pampering gifts – Everyone needs to take care of themselves, but especially those who work tirelessly to take care of others.
  • Gifts that make life easier – Gifts that make life easier are a dream for most caregivers. Imagine not having to worry about a clean floor at home after spending the day cleaning up after others or instantly feeling encouraged when you enter your home

We hope this list is helpful and you have a wonderful time Christmas shopping for a caregiver who has impacted your life. 

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5 Ways to Teach Mathematics to Your Young Toddler

By Annabelle Fee

Mathematics is a key subject at the school level and a vital one to understand for everyday life. However, it can be tricky to bring a toddler’s attention to it and help them to grasp how interesting it can be. Here are a few tips and tricks you can use every day to teach mathematics to a young toddler without them getting bored.

Photo by Skitterphoto on

1. Make It A Shared And Fun Activity

Toddlers can easily start learning the shapes and meanings of numbers by the time they are 2 so there is no such thing as too early. Make counting and recognizing numbers a daily activity and you can always make it fun by using music (or even musical counting videos on Youtube) or by aligning it with a fun outdoor activity. Using musical numerical rhymes such as one-two buckles my shoes is also a way to get them to retain numbers better.

Practice counting forwards and backward and encourage children to apply this knowledge to their own daily routine such as counting toys or building blocks. This number sense can then be applied to adding and subtracting albeit on a minor level; for example, if you had 5 dolls but I took 3 away how many do you have left? These daily activates will mean they will pick up what is being taught in school very quickly because of its familiarity.

Photo by cottonbro on

2. Daily Tasks Can Be Mathematical Too

Encourage your toddler to do daily tasks like setting a table or setting cups but give directions like ‘there should be 3 plates for 3 people.’ This can also be done when they are role-playing in games such as with a doctor’s playset or a toy kitchen. Furthermore, get them to sort items or toys into groups and then count them. For example, certain toys like cars should be in one group and so on and you can get started on basic word problems from there.

As with any learning initiative involving very young children, patience is an essential virtue for a parent as any children’s tutor that specializes in math tuition will tell you. Your child may take his/her time to grasp concepts and even then the result might not be what you want but it is important to remember that the mind loves repetition and the best learning is the type done consistently with practice over a period of time.

Photo by Polesie Toys on

3. Encourage Spatial Skills

Mathematics is in part about measurements, directions, shapes, and sizes. Encourage your toddler to notice these aspects in his/her environment on a daily basis. ‘How high do you think that slide is?’ or ‘how fast do you think you were running?’ Direction, movement, positions are all geometric principles they will learn later in their school life but you can give them starters and a preliminary understanding.

Also allow your toddlers to use basic measurement tools such as a ruler or measuring tape. Let them measure objects around the house like tables or chairs and write down what they think the measurements are. It might be too early to teach them the units of measurement such as centimeters or inches but you can give them a primer and just let them follow the numbers on the tape or ruler.

Photo by Sam Lion on

4. Shapes And Sizes

Shapes such as a square table or a round plate or clock are easy shapes for a toddler to recognize and be familiar with. Teach them about the dynamics of shapes and sizes and tell them to point out these shapes as they see them when they are at home or walking around. Buy specific educational toys that inspire toddlers to recognize shapes such as Legos, puzzles, shape blocks (that give you shapes to fit inside a special cube), and so on. Online games on tablets and phones are also available but toddlers should be kept away from the blue light in devices as there is a great deal of research saying it impairs cognitive development at that age.

Photo by cottonbro on

5. Undertake A Project

Plan a collaborative project with your toddler such as creating a table from scratch or putting together a swing set and allow them to help you. During the process, point their attention towards various aspects like measurements, shapes, and sizes. Let them see that mathematics does not exist just in theory but has practical real-life daily applications that can be a ton of fun. Allow your toddler to undertake measurements or help put an item together and praise them, you can always correct it later! 

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Top 5 Indoor Activities for Hyperactive Kids

By Andrea Gibbs

It’s no secret that winter is long, cold, and dark. So long that you may be feeling a bit at your wits end with all of the cabin fever and are desperate for something to do with your kids.

According to Baby Steps, Compulsively active kids need a lot of energy burned off. Sometimes it’s just too hot, too rainy, or too cold for outdoor activities. What do hyperactive children do when they’re stuck inside? Well, sit in front of the television all day? We’ll show you an array of indoor activities to keep your child entertained!

Photo by Daniel Jurin on

1. Play dress up 

Kids can have a lot of energy and may find sitting still problematic and frustrating. A way to help release that built-up energy is to play dress-up. Here are some ideas for playing dress-up with kids:

Put some clothes on the floor or a chair, close your eyes and then tell the kids to get dressed. When they are dressed, open your eyes and guess who is who. Sometimes you can get them to do funny poses for their photos.

Get the kids to dress up as their favorite storybook character – with lots of accessories! Then act out the story.

<p class="has-drop-cap has-vivid-purple-color has-text-color" value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">2. Make hand-print art2. Make hand-print art

Photo by Andrew Burns on

It is not only a fun way for your kids to get some exercise doing something that’s all about touching and moving their fingers, but it can also be an excellent way for you to teach them about their body parts – like the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders they use when creating these prints.

You’ll need:

  • Printable hand-print art template
  • Construction paper in various colors, or plain white paper for painting later on.
  • Sharpie for writing on the hand-print template
  • Glue sticks
  • Scissors, sharp ones – just in case you have a craving to be a surgeon. They’re also helpful in cutting out letters, numbers, or shapes.
  • Construction paper in various colors, or plain white paper for painting later on. Sharpie for writing on the hand-print template Glue sticks Scissors, sharp ones – just if you have a craving to be a surgeon. They’re also helpful in cutting out letters, numbers, or shapes. How to make hand-print art:

Get your kids in a comfortable position and have them place their hands on the construction paper as you see pictured above. If they are four years old or younger, it’s best to have an adult do this with them – if they are over four, you can let them do it independently. Have the kids trace around their hands with a dark black Sharpie marker. 

Then have them trace over the outline of their hand to make a printable hand-print – follow the directions on the hand-print template and try to make their print as large as you can. It is a good time for you to talk with your child about all of the different parts of their body involved in making this print (the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, etc.) Encourage them to join the folds of their hand with the folds in the paper – this is called “blending” and makes a more fine print.

Once your kids are happy making prints, have them go over to their art table, and you can have them paint over their hand-prints. It will give them a chance to feel what it’s like to use different colors and glues.

3. Make an indoor path w/ foam blocks 

You will need duct tape, which you can use to stick the foam blocks together, creating a big path. You could also use paint and stencils to decorate the track making it even more fun. Please make sure you get different colors for the blocks so that they can tell who they are when they’re finished.

The next step is to lay the path wherever you want it but make sure it’s in a flat place. We used the kitchen floor because it was easy to clean and got rid of all extra tapes. It was a bit messy, but it was worth it!

Now your path is ready! You can stand in front of it and let everyone walk around it, or you could make it bigger by adding more blocks.

4. Make an indoor fort

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on

It’s a bit cold outside to be building forts, but you can make the insides of your house the perfect setting for creative play.

For a musical fort, cut holes in the walls and windows of your bedroom or living room, then cover them with blankets, couch cushions, and pillows. When your child is in the fort, they can pretend they’re conducting an orchestra. For a blanket fort, place sheets over couches and blankets on tables to make a tent underneath.

As you’re making these forts, invite your child to create their imaginary worlds and characters. By making different worlds, it gives them a chance to use their imaginations.

5. Create a family tree 

Every family has a different story, and when you create a family tree with your kids, you can explore all the branches that make up your family’s tree. You may think this is something only adults want to do, but nothing could be further from the truth. Besides learning about where they came from, kids enjoy researching what their grandparents did before they were born and seeing how their lives are intertwined. So, why not begin the activity by starting your family tree that will turn into an album as your family continues to grow.

There is nothing more impressive than making your kids feel connected to all their ancestors; you can have them research information about where they live and who their ancestors are. When researching, children can read books, listen to CDs, and even YouTube videos on this subject. And when they are ready for a genealogy lesson, the Internet offers up endless information for free about origins.

Advantages of Keeping Your Child Entertained at Home?

There comes a time in every child’s life where they are bored. It is a usual part of growing up, but parents shouldn’t let their children suffer from boredom. Engaging your child in an entertaining activity can help you spend quality time with them, help them learn new skills, and even bond with them. 

Children can get bored quickly, and parents don’t want them to go off the deep end with their boredom. If you feel your child slowly loses interest because of boredom, try to find a way to entertain them for a while. You can play educational games, read an exciting book or even have them watch an entertaining movie.

Photo by August de Richelieu on

Children may also get bored because of too much TV. While there are some great advantages of having a TV in your home, it can be more beneficial to have television out of reach. You don’t want to cut them off from the world completely, but you don’t like to offer up more screen time either. 

You can teach your children creative skills while you entertain them with games and activities that they will enjoy.

Not every kid is interested in playing an educational game with you, so there are some ways to pull them into learning. Please make it a competition between children and the consequences of losing can be something fun. You can play games like matching memory games or memory races. Even simple card games are fun because they teach children to be competitive and learn how to win and lose. You can also involve your child in more physical activities when they are bored.

As you can see, there are a lot of creative and fun things you can do with your kids indoors. Give them a chance to explore their imaginations and learn about different things that they never knew before. Let each of the activities run smoothly, and make sure you keep their attention. If your kids are having a good time, it’s easier for them to learn and grasp new concepts. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make sure they are safe and entertained while teaching them.

These ideas are just a tiny sample of what you can do indoors with kids this month. The possibilities for your kids indoors are endless; they don’t have to play inside just because it’s cold outside.

Now, I’d love to hear from you! If you have additional suggestions for hyperactive kids’ indoor activities, leave a comment below or send me a message at

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Guest Post: 10 Fun Ways to Celebrate Kids’ Birthdays at Home

Celebrating a birthday at home can be a dream come true or a major let down. For most kids, an at-home birthday may seem boring, but with the right themes, decorations, and activities planned, you can create an at-home birthday experience your child will love and cherish for years to come! 

  1. Start the Parade!

If you’re stuck at home for your child’s birthday party, raising a rally and getting friends and neighbors involved will make your child feel special and really show just how much they are loved.  

  1. Crafting

If your child leans toward the artistic side of things, a craft party is a great way to let their creativity flow and get the fun going! Try making custom frames with their names on them, or provide decorations of their favorite show or animal. 

  1. Book/Journal Exchange

This is a great idea for kids with a love for reading! Your little bookworm will love a journal or book to read. Plus, it’s easy to get other kids involved! Have friends write short stories or do drawings that they want to share, so your child will always have something to remember this special birthday party by. 

  1. Scavenger Hunt

For the adventurer! A scavenger hunt is a fun, easy, and creative way to get the kids involved and working together. Whether it’s in your house or outside, a scavenger hunt is the perfect way to celebrate a birthday at home. The kids will entertain themselves, and you’ll have time to relax…but it’s more likely that you’ll have time to clean up after cake! 

  1. Camping in the Backyard

When nature calls, you answer! A backyard camping trip is a cheap and safer alternative to going into the woods for camping. A small backyard tent, a bonfire, and some s’mores are all you need to make this birthday a hit with your child! 

  1. Video Game Party

If your kid is hooked to the TV and loves gaming, give them exactly what they want–but just for today! A video game party is something kids can lose themselves in and do for hours. Plus, you may even have the opportunity to show them some classics like Super Mario Smash Bros and Sonic. 

  1. Bake Off

On your mark, get set, bake! Whether your child is ready for a real oven or still on the easy-bake, a bake-off is great for the baker at heart. All you need is some cake mix, frosting, and sprinkles. The kids will be able to go for hours and show off their skills all while learning something new! Plus, you won’t have to worry about dessert…well, maybe have some backups just in case. 

  1. Building Party

This one may be better suited for the older kids, but a building-themed celebration will give you and your child an experience you can enjoy together. Building a custom chair or even a simple table is a bonding experience you both will cherish, all while helping you and your child learn something new. 

  1. Spa Night

Sit back and relax! A spa night is an ideal way to spend a birthday, right? Even for kids, relaxation is a crucial part of the day. This is an easy and fun way to celebrate any child’s birthday and will leave them feeling like a pampered princess or prince. All you need is some nail polish, lotion, and cucumbers to turn your home into a place of rest and relaxation. 

  1. Fashion Show

Strike a pose! This is for the fashionista in your life. Set a runway, get some lights, and don’t be afraid to accessorize! Boas, gloves, tiaras, sunglasses, and jewelry are just some of the things you can get to help your child be the style icon you know they are! 

Don’t let your home limit you–a birthday is special no matter where you celebrate it. Just remember that a birthday party is supposed to be fun and the gifts aren’t nearly as important as the memories. 

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Are Professional Photos worth it?

Photography has come so far since we were children. The photos of my childhood are not few, but they are limited and curated in a way the photos of my own children are not. My parents might have taken shots when we were at the beach, or on Christmas day, or in the bath, just as I do now. Except I can take dozens and immediately view them and chose the best, or not and keep them all – too lazy to cull and too enamoured to delete. The cloud stores millions of photos of children, documenting their every move and every milestone.

Photo by Valeria Zoncoll on Unsplash

Yet, despite the ability to photograph our children ourselves with ever improving cameras in phones and at our fingertips, professional photography of babies and children is a booming business. A once virtually unheard of market, the newborn photo shoot is now almost ubiquitous. Parents can choose from a myriad of photographers and pay anywhere from a few hundred to several thousands of dollars to create and capture some newborn twee on film (Or not, as it were. In fact, the change from film to digital is partly responsible for the newborn shoot’s rise in popularity; now that photos of otherwise wrinkled and smudged babies fresh from birth can be smoothed and beautified on screen.).

Photo by Laura Garcia from Pexels

But is it worth it? For my first child I thought: no. For my second I decided I may as well (jealous spats in the future as one has photos in a nest and the other does not?). Obviously, I saved a lot of money the first time. But now I do have some special photos of my second baby (and the first as a toddler) that will be treasured, always. Of course, you can try and take some photos at home, and there are plenty of tips on how to get the best out of your child and save your money. But, there is clearly more to it than simply plonking your baby on a rug and snapping away.

Take a look at these newborn shoot ‘fails’ and try not to laugh out loud, I dare you!

A professional photographer should have skills you don’t, in the art of photography, in the knack of posing and settling babies, and in the tricks of editing. It’s tough wading through all the options and knowing who is best, so try and ask around and trust word of mouth and recommendations. Look at their portfolio and make sure the style suits you. Ask about their prices and have a clear budget set. Don’t be afraid to turn down an option that costs too much. There are plenty of photographers out there and there is bound to be one that fits your style and budget.

And if you decide to skip the professional photo shoot and do it yourself, please laugh out loud if it all goes wrong. The photos of us as babies likely weren’t styled, or edited, or planned, and we all turned out fine!

Share your newborn photo shoot story with us in the comments!

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