Tag Archives: teeth

Foods for Your Kid’s Dental Health

By Dr Anu Isaac

As a parent, you are always on the lookout for nourishing food for your kids. And one of your primary concerns is often your kids’ healthy teeth. So we are here for all the parents who want to ensure that their kids grow up with healthy and strong teeth.

Food is a significant factor for a child’s overall development. Certain foods are beneficial for the dental health of kids, while some are bad for your teeth. Let’s find out more about the connection between nutrition and the oral health of your kids.

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Educate Your Child About Healthy Food

It is better to help kids learn about nutrition rather than merely telling them what to eat and what not to eat. Explain to them that the kind of food they eat directly impacts their dental and overall health.

Try to include food in your kids’ diets with high nutrition and antioxidants. It improves their immunity and provides healthy gums and teeth.

Foods for Good Dental Health of Your Kids

Fruits & Vegetables

Encourage your kids to eat crunchy fruits and veggies like apple, carrot, and celery. They clean the teeth and stimulate gums with their fiber content. Also, promote veggies and fruits with high water content like melons, cucumber, and pears. They produce saliva, which flushes down remaining food particles and bacteria.

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables like spinach and kale are great for your kids. They contain lots of calcium, nutrients, vitamins and minerals to strengthen bones. In addition, green leafy veggies are great for your kids’ healthy teeth as they help build up strong tooth enamel.

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Calcium-rich Diet

Dairy products are excellent sources of calcium, vitamin D, protein, and other nutrients essential for building strong enamel and teeth. Include low-fat cheese, yogurt, and milk in your kid’s diet. Along with calcium, the probiotics in yogurt also help in fighting the bacteria.

Foods Containing Protein

Protein is also required for generating tooth enamel. Encourage your kids to eat protein-rich foods for good dental health. Chicken, turkey, lean meat, peanut butter, and nuts contain protein in abundance. Include these food items in your kids’ diet.


The raised PH level in your kid’s mouth due to cheese prevents it from bacteria and cavities. So include cheese in a varied diet.

Bad Food for Teeth & Gums of Kids

Chewy & Sticky Food

Sticky food doesn’t get clean quickly and generates bacteria in the mouth. Keep your kids away from raisins, jelly beans, syrups, and other chewy and sticky food items.

Sugary Food & Beverages

Sugar lingers onto your kid’s teeth and forms cavities. It’s crucial for your kid’s dental health to stay away from sugary food and drinks like candies, sports drinks, colas, etc.

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Carbohydrate & Starch

The snacks for kids in the market are full of carbohydrates and starch, like chips, pasta, burgers, etc. The remaining particles of such food can convert into sugar. Limit consumption of these food items.

Citrus Fruits

Yes, they contain vitamin C, but they also contain acid, which can cause significant harm to the enamel. So give your child citrus fruits like lemon, orange, tomato, etc., in moderation with other food.


Encourage healthy eating in your kids. And tell them to brush immediately after eating any food which is bad for their teeth. Besides nutritious food, maintaining oral hygiene daily and regular dental check-ups are vital for your kid’s dental health.

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Author Bio:

Dr. Anu Isaac, DMD, runs a successful dental practice in Salem, MA. Dr. Isaac strives for quality on a daily basis and this commitment to quality is reflected in her constant pursuit of advanced training. Her firm belief that even experts need to stay updated about what’s new in the dental field, enables her to provide every patient with optimal oral care. As the founder of Coral Dental Care, she is dedicated to creating healthy, beautiful smiles for her patients and also to educating dental and non-dental communities with her engaging articles on all things related to oral health, recent dental innovations, and latest treatment modalities.

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5 Good Dental Habits to Teach Your Kids

By Elizabeth Howard

Caring for your overall physical health is very important and requires a lot of good choices and habits, habits we need to help our children learn, as well. One important aspect of health is ensuring that you are properly caring for your teeth and oral health. Here are five easy tips to teach your kids that can help them develop healthy habits for their teeth.

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Brush and Floss Each Night

One of the most important factors that can influence the health of anyone’s teeth is whether or not they brush and floss their teeth each day. Kids and grownups, alike, should aim to brush and floss their teeth at least twice per day. Ideally, this should be done after eating breakfast and before bed. To ensure that your kids build good habits, you should start helping them with this as soon as they start to grow teeth. This is then a habit that they will carry with themselves for the rest of their lives, which can ensure they keep their teeth clean between dental visits.

Make it Fun

While dental care is important for all kids, they may find that it is not very fun and inconvenient when they’d rather be doing other things. Fortunately, there are tips that you can follow that can help to make it more fun for your kids. Some of the ways that you can do this are by using kid-friendly toothbrushes and toothpaste or even playing some of their favorite songs while they are brushing and flossing at night. This could help them create a positive association with keeping their teeth clean and healthy.

See the Dentist Regularly

You should also make sure that your kids receive proper dental care. Seeing a dentist is a great way to ensure that your kids are properly cleaned and that all plaque is removed. It can also help you to identify and care for dental challenges and issues before they turn into larger problems. You should try and have your kids see a dentist at least twice per year. Doing this will help your kids start to build habits of seeing healthcare providers, which can offer a range of benefits for years to come.

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Don’t be afraid to get your children’s teeth straightened

Eventually, your child may need to have their teeth straightened. It’s very common for teeth grow in without being completely straight. To ensure that they are able to enjoy a healthy smile while also avoiding more serious dental challenges in the future, having their teeth straightened may be a good idea. Make sure you look for a reputable and reliable practice and don’t be shy to ask lots of questions before making a decision.

Focus on Diet

One of the most important factors that will influence the health and appearance of your teeth is your diet. Those that eat a healthy diet that is full of fiber, calcium, vitamins, and lean protein will develop stronger bones and teeth. Those that eat too much sugar and do not clean their teeth properly afterward could see their teeth start to rot and decay. Eventually, this could result in cavities and other challenges. By encouraging your kids to think about their health when eating food and avoid too many unhealthy snacks, you could help them form habits that will keep their teeth strong and healthy for years to come.

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Helping your kids develop healthy habits is always very important. This is particularly true when it comes to ensuring your kids have healthy teeth to enjoy their entire lives. Hopefully these five tips can help your children build healthy teeth habits.

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Fundamentals of Braces for Kids – A Guide for Parents

By Emily Taylor

Whenever a child starts growing up, he or she has numerous structural reforms. And one vital sign is when children begin developing adult teeth. Depending on your child’s body and behavioural patterns, there are chances that they may develop crooked or misaligned teeth. That is the time when they need our attention, care and support, to ensure that they have a healthy dental structure for life.

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When is it ideal for your child to see an orthodontist?

The American Association of Orthodontists has recommended that it is ideal for children to have their first orthodontist treatment when they reach 7 years of age. 

Warning Signs That Your Child Needs Orthodontic Treatment

  1. Gapped Teeth

Children who have a prolonged habit of sucking their thumb may pull their front teeth either inwards or forward. And when the teeth undergo this shift, they may develop gaps between each other. This is known as diastema.

Diastema also develops when the child’s jaw is too big, and the teeth are relatively small. This disproportion of space causes gaps between teeth which need treatment. 

  1. Crooked or Crowded Teeth

Kids sometimes tend to have twisted, slanted or overlapping teeth. This occurs when their mouth is too small or narrow for their teeth. 

The crooked or crowded teeth result in misalignment and plaque formation. This can further lead to bad breath, tooth decay or gum disease too in the future.  

  1. Misalignment of Abnormal Growth of the Jaw

If your child faces jaw alignment issues which are causing problems like cheek biting or difficulty in biting any food item, it is best to visit an orthodontist at the earliest. Because when the teeth and jaws don’t meet, your child will face problems with chewing their food. Moreover, it can affect their appearance and their long term health too. 

  1. Unusual Bite or Jaw Structure

Children who have a habit of sucking their thumbs are very prone to a condition known as malocclusion, where the upper and lower jaw do not synchronize well to form a bite. These are teeth that surely need braces. It is best to see an orthodontist in this condition because treatment is much more comfortable as a child. A jaw misalignment, if ignored, can have harmful side effects in the long run. 

  1. Open Mouth 

Mouth breathing occurs when there is some form of blockage in the nasal passage. This results in a change in the tongue’s natural position, which should ideally touch the roof of the mouth. During mouth breathing, the tongue does not affect the roof but drops lower to allow for the passage of the air. The child can thus develop a protruding lower jaw, receding chins, flat cheeks, or even narrow jaws which do not have enough space for all the teeth.

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What braces suit kids the best?

There are different types of braces for kids; some of the popular ones are as below:

  1. Metal Braces – Also known as traditional braces, these are the most common and standard braces used to shift teeth.
  2. Ceramic Braces – These braces have ceramic brackets which are made to match the patient’s teeth colour and texture, and hence less visible as compared to metal braces. 
  3. Lingual Braces – If patients don’t like wearing visible braces, lingual braces can be used. They are mounted on the inner side of the teeth but may take some time to get adjusted to.
  4. Invisalign – This is an advanced technology of removable braces that do not contain any metal components. They are practically invisible. 

How long will your child wear braces?

Like any medical treatment, teeth alignment and correction is also custom for every child. How the child’s teeth respond to the alignment structures and any issues they may develop in the process are the key determiners of the duration for kids getting braces. However, that being said, patients usually take somewhere between a little over a year to two / two and a half years for the complete alignment procedure. 

How should we take care of the braces?

Kids getting braces must have a routine of brushing after every meal. This removes the food which gets stuck in the wires and prevents the consequent formation of plaque. Daily flossing is also a must to mental dental hygiene. 

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Braces for children’s teeth is your investment in your child’s beautiful smile and it is truly worth the effort. 

Emily Taylor found the perfect fit for herself as the Online Marketing Manager at Thurman Orthodontics in Fresno CA as she believes that a great smile does more than just make a person look great – it makes them feel great as well. The power of a smile has always been a mystery to Emily, and she loves researching and writing about it. She loves to write about everything to do with a healthy bite and a beautiful smile – whether is it ways to achieve it or the importance of it in the various aspects of life. What brings a big smile on Emily’s face is her family and surfing. She also likes to bake, and her children and co-workers call her the cookie fairy!


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